Free German Youth Lessons – „Generation Wall“ by Mark Scheppert

In spring 2008 Sylvie’s brother visited us together with his girlfriend in Berlin. These two are very pleasant visitors. We don’t have to entertain them at all. No cultural programme to arrange, no endless thinking which historic sites of the capital they don’t know yet. We didn’t even have to buy the current city magazines to search for the latest musicals, movies or theatre plays. Andi and Kati are interested in... nothing. Very pleasant, as I said! They both were born in the south west of Germany, in the so called Pfalz, like my Sylvie. This is obviously one reason why they often pelt me with questions about my East German youth for hours. Thus, I wanted them to soak…


Meine Schwarz-Rot-Gold-Trilogie

Mit dem Buch "Alles ganz simpel" ist meine Trilogie endlich vollständig. Nunmehr werden drei Generationen vor, während und nach dem Mauerfall literarisch eingefangen. Nach meinem Werk "Mauergewinner", welches - nicht nur wegen der Auszüge bei Spiegel Online – noch immer gelesen wird, war ich natürlich besonders nervös gewesen, wie der Fußball- und Reiseroman „90 Minuten Südamerika“ beim Leser ankommt. . Ich hatte das Buch in einer guten Schreibphase verfasst und für mich ging es dabei – obwohl ich das nie zugeben würde – um viel. Entweder: „Das war´s dann wohl mit der Schreiberei“, oder „na siehst du, es geht doch.“ Es ging! Nachdem die freundlich gemeinten Lobhudelein aus dem Freundes- und Bekanntenkreis durch waren, flatterten die ersten Rezensionen ein, und…


„Generation Wall“ for free!!!

Only this weekend (01/20/2012 – 01/23/2012) you can get my ebook „Generation Wall“ for free! . (nur dieses Wochenende (20.01.2012 – 23.01.2012) gibt es mein Ebook „Generation Wall“ gratis!) . With the publication of his autobiographical debut novel 'Mauergewinner' (Engl.: Generation Wall) Mark Scheppert was immediately quite successful. He even reached number one of the BoD bestselling list in Germany. "He hadn't moved a single bit - but nonetheless converted from Ossi to Wessi. His whole life M.S. has been living in the Eastern part of Berlin. At his 37th birthday he experienced his personal turnaround." Spiegel Online - in Germany . - in Great Britain . - in the USA . - in France .…


Generation Wall

(Exerpt) . ...although I visited several countries after the Wall came down, since I was allowed to do so, I didn’t set foot in the USA. This country had formerly been class enemy No. 1, the imperialist exploiting superpower, the evil. For years they had hammered it into my mind: GDR good, USSR very good, FRG bad, USA very bad. Perpetually, we had to be on the lookout against Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan and to be prepared to defend ourselves, like the proud Vietnamese did. Travelling into this country? By my own choice? Never! However, because of a new job I had to visit this country of the unlimited dumb, greedy for profit American people. Despite the prospect to…


„Generation Wall“ – English ebook about a childhood in the GDR and East Berlin

Now 15 stories of the "Mauergewinner", describing my childhood in the GDR and East Berlin were translated into English. Ebook "Generation Wall" - in Germany Ebook "Generation Wall" - in Great Britain Ebook "Generation Wall" - in the USA . . Book description "Generation Wall": When I started writing these stories in 2008, I pledged to create something NEW and EXCEPTIONAL about the German Democratic Republic that does not exist so far and reflects the feelings of my generation. Why? Well, it was odd. Nowhere in these supposedly typical literary monuments for this dematerialised country, I could picture myself. I did neither belong to this generation of “Zonenkindern” (“Children of the occupation zones” by Jana Hensel), nor…


90 Minuten Südamerika als Ebook

Seit heute gibt es mein Buch "90 Minuten Südamerika" auch als Ebook im Kindle-Store bei Amazon. Da sich ja schon ein paar Leser gefunden haben, den "Mauergewinner" und "Generation Wall" auf diese Weise zu lesen, ist es sicherlich nicht schlecht, dass es diese Möglichkeit nun auch für meinen Reise- und Fußballroman gibt. Hier gehts zum Ebook "90 Minuten Südamerika" Viel Spaß beim Lesen!
